The Cooperative “Fondo Comune delle Casse Rurali Trentine” aims at promoting the cooperative credit in Trentino by supporting events such as the Giro delle Dolomiti, which are able to combine the valorization of the territory with important values, in this case in the field of sports.
The “Fondo Comune delle Casse Rurali Trentine” is a cooperative born in the ‘70s as an organisation based on solidarity among Trentino’s cooperative banks. Its starting goal was to ensure both stability of the cooperative banks system and economic support in case of difficulty from one of these banks.
Nowadays, the “Fondo Comune delle Casse Rurali Trentine” aims to spread the typical values of cooperative credit. On one hand, this means creating economic, social and relational value for the territories involved through wise banking management and the support of local administrations and social entities. On the other hand, this means an active commitment to support the local community and territory through careful human resources management and other activities.
The Fondo Comune supports events and initiatives all over the Trentino territory. Projects and activities to support are chosen carefully in order to strengthen the social role of the Casse Rurali, which characterised them from other bank institutes.
In this sense, the Fondo Comune aims at promoting the Trentino cooperative credit supporting events, such as the Giro delle Dolomiti, able to combine the valorization of the territory with important values, also in the sports field.